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Local Services
Mental Health Therapy & Evaluation
Mental health professionals study the human mind but use psychotherapy to help people find solutions to relationships, learning, performance in a range of areas, and life’s challenges. Such clinicians include clinical social workers, psychologists, and counselors who have a deep understanding of the medical, health and education system and can provide connections with a range of health and community services. Psychologists provide both therapy and psychological evaluations to help with understanding strengths and vulnerabilities. Such testing provides a blueprint for care.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists (OTs) focus on promoting health, wellbeing and independence by enabling people with various skills to undertake everyday activities. These include self-care activities, productive activities (school and work), and social activities. Many OTs have a special interest in working with autistic people and have developed experience and knowledge in assessment and program development.
Physician Care & Psychiatry
Physicians are fundamental to the care of those with neurodivergent needs. These are medical doctors who have undertaken further study in mental health and/or development. They can prescribe medication, and they work in conjunction with other professionals, like psychologists, occupational therapists, and/or speech pathologists. Psychiatrists specialize in psychotropic medications. Pediatricians concentrate on assessing differences in development. Neurologists diagnose, treat, and manage seizure disorders, head injuries and brain tumors, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, nerve-muscle disorders, and developmental differences.
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Speech and Language Therapy
Speech pathologists assess, diagnose and treat communication and swallowing disorders. Some speech pathologists have an interest in autism and have developed experience and knowledge in assessment and using support strategies specifically in this area. They have the necessary knowledge, skills and training to provide support addressing social-communication, behavioral challenges and participation barriers experienced by autistic individuals.
National Resources
This section of the website will include additional resources available to the neurodivergent community. We know how hard it can be to locate services that are supportive. Our goal is to compile a list of diverse resources that may be of benefit.
Assessment & Diagnosis
Neurodivergent Practitioners are a directory of Neurodivergent, neuro-affirmative practitioners hosted by Autistic-led nonprofit, Thriving Autistic https://neurodivergentpractitioners.org/listing-category/assessments/
NeuroClastic’s Directory of Specialists Diagnosing Autism in Adults: https://neuroclastic.com/diagnosticians/ – This directory lists providers across the world who specialize in diagnosing autism in adults, including the differing presentations of autism.
Dr. Glori Gray (https://www.drglorigray.com). offers comprehensive evaluations for adults and children and is credentialed with PSYPACT to offer teletesting in 40+ states.
All the Weight of Our Dreams: On Living Racialized Autism by Lydia X. Z. Brown, E. Ashkenazy, and Morénike Giwa Onaiwu
Aspergirls by Rudy Simone
Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness (Thought in the Act) by M. Remi Yergeau
The Autism-Friendly Guide to Periods by Robin Steward
Camouflage: The Hidden Lives of Autistic Women by Sarah Bargiela
Connecting with the Autism Spectrum: How to Talk, How to Listen, and Why You Shouldn’t Call It High-Functioning by Casey “Remrov” Vormer
Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn’t Designed for You by Jenara Nerenberg
A Field Guide to Earthlings: An Autistic/Asperger View of Neurotypical Behavior by Ian Ford
Gender Identity, Sexuality, and Autism: Voices From Across the Spectrum by Eva A. Mendes and Meredith R. Maroney
How To Be Autistic by Charlotte Amelia Poe
Invisible Differences: A Story of Asperger’s Adulting, and Living a Life in Full Color by Mademoiselle Caroline and Julie Dachez
Laziness Does Not Exist by Devon Price, Ph.D.
Living with PTSD on the Autism Spectrum by Lisa Morgan, M.Ed. and Mary P. Donahue, Ph.D.
Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking by Julia Bascom
The Neurodiversity Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills by Sonny Jane Wise
Neuroqueer Heresies: Notes On The Neurodiversity Paradigm, Autistic Empowerment, and Postnormal Possibilities by Nick Walker
NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity by Steve Silberman
Nobody Nowhere by Donna Williams
The Power of Neurodiversity: Unleashing the Advantages of your Differently Wired Brain by Thomas Armstrong, Ph.D.
The Reason I Jump: The Inner Voice of a Thirteen-Year-Old Boy with Autism by Naoki Higashida
Sensory Trauma: Autism, Sensory Difference and the Daily Experience of Fear by Dr. Rorie Fulton, Emma Reardon, Kate Richardson, and Dr. Rachel Jones
Sincerely, Your Autistic Child: What People on the Spectrum Wish Their Parents Knew About Growing Up, Acceptance, and Identity edited by Emily Paige Ballou, Sharon daVanport, and Morénike Giwa Onaiwu
Spectrums: Autistic Transgender People In Their Own Words edited by Maxfield Sparrow
The Spectrum Girl’s Survival Guide: How to Grow Up Awesome and Autistic by Siena Castellon
Stim by Lizzie Huxley-Jones
Type Words, Loud Voices Edited by Amy Sequenzia and Elizabeth J. Grace
Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity by Devon Price, Ph.D.
We’re Not Broken: Changing the Autism Conversation by Eric Garcia
Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Understanding Life Experiences From Early Childhood to Old Age by Sarah Hendrickx
All Things Autie: https://allthingsautie.com/ – Minna Abassi helps auties create sustainable and authentic lives through neurodiversity-affirming coaching. Specialties include: burnout recovery, employment, accommodations, and queer/kink/poly topics.
Ashley Godfrey: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-godfrey & https://www.twiceexceptionaltutors.com/ – Ashley is a Neurodivergent-Affirming Academic and Life Coach with 10 years of experience working with an abundance of other neurotypes on Executive Function and motivation development for their career, school, relationships, and mental health.
Autism Personal Coach: https://autismpersonalcoach.com/ – Founded by Doug Blecher, Autism Personal Coach provides Autistic adults and teens hard to find support to live self sufficient and purpose-driven lives through their coaching and community events.
Patricia Young, MSW (she/her): https://unapologeticallysensitive.com/ – Coaching for brains that are wired differently. I know what it’s like to feel like a misfit. Specialities: late diagnosis autism, relationships, communication, parenting neurodivergent kids, perfectionism, boundaries & healing inner wounds. I also have a podcast called Unapologetically Sensitive.
Rainbow Chrysalis Coaching: https://www.rainbowchrysaliscoaching.com/ – Bowie Winnike, MSW (they /them) offers support for gender exploration, education, and ADHD coaching services in English and ASL.
Robin Tate, LLC: https://robintatellc.com/ – Coaching and education services for neurodivergent people and their relationships.
Tasha Chemel: www.tashachemelcoaching.com – Executive functioning coaching.
Disability Rights North Carolina: https://disabilityrightsnc.org/– Disability Rights North Carolina has a guidebook on navigating services and systems for disabled individuals who have been victims of sexual abuse.
Don’t Call The Police: https://dontcallthepolice.com/ – “Community-based alternatives to police in your city.”
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24/7: Call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
LGBT National Hotline: 1-888-843-4564
Trans Lifeline 24/7: 1-877-565-8860
Trevor Project (for LGBTQ youth) 24/7: 1-866-488-7386
Aucademy: https://aucademy.co.uk/ – “We are a new home for Autistic learning and education of non-autistic people about Autistic experience.”
Top College Consultants: https://www.topcollegeconsultants.com/college-readiness-and-transition-for-students-on-the-autism-spectrum/ – Dr. Eric Endlich helps neurodivergent students apply to college and graduate school.
Auticon: https://auticon.com/ – Auticon helps connect employers and Autistic job seekers in the IT field by valuing the strengths of neurodiversity at work.
Autism Career Pathways: https://autismcareerpathways.org/fostering-autistic-enterpreneurship-course-outline/ – “Cultivating Autistic Entrepreneurship” online courses offered.
Dell’s Neurodiversity Hiring Program: https://dell.searchgreatcareers.com/neurodiversity – Dell is recruiting roles including software engineers, dev ops software engineers, UI senior software engineers, and enterprise full stack web developers.
Exceptional Minds: https://exceptional-minds.org/ – Exceptional Minds helps autistic artists with job training, job experience, and finding careers in animation and the digital arts.
Google Cloud’s Autism Career Program: https://cloud.google.com/blog/topics/inside-google-cloud/google-cloud-launches-a-career-program-for-people-with-autism – This program is “designed to further grow and strengthen Google’s existing autistic community by hiring and supporting more talented autistic individuals in the rapidly growing cloud industry.”
Mentra’s Neurodiversity Employment Network: https://www.mentra.me/ – Mentra is a neurodivergent-friendly talent platform that intelligently matches neurodiverse individuals with employers that value their strengths.
Microsoft’s Neurodiversity Hiring Program: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/diversity/inside-microsoft/cross-disability/neurodiversityhiring – Microsoft has a neurodiversity hiring program that has an extended interview process to better support neurodiverse applicants interested in working for Microsoft.
AssisTees: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AssisTees
Autie and Spoon: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Autieandspoon
Ausome Doodles Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/AusomeDoodlesShop
Edward Tech Apparel: https://www.etsy.com/shop/EdwardTeachApparel
Fidgets and Fries: https://www.bonfire.com/store/fidgets-and-fries/
Fun and Function: https://funandfunction.com/
Marvelous Minds Art: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MarvelousMindsArt
ND Renegade: https://www.ndrenegade.com/
Neurocreative: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Neurocreative
Kate E. Reynolds: https://kateereynolds.com/shop/ – Kate has created several illustrated books that discuss sexual health, including sexuality, masturbation, menstruation, and puberty.
Robyn Steward: http://autismfriendlyperiods.com/robyn – Robyn wrote a book called The Autism-Friendly Guide to Periods and offers other supports through the linked website.
Seniors on the Autism Spectrum: https://www.retireguide.com/guides/seniors-autism-spectrum/ – Retire Guide created a guide to help individuals better understand what autism looks like in seniors and how it may impact their lives.
Travel Accessibility and Tips: https://www.titlemax.com/travel-accessibility-and-tips-for-travelers-with-disabilities/
Weldon Wellness: https://www.weldonwellness.com/ – Owned and operated by Dr. Laura Z. Weldon. Their mission is to “provide culturally competent, trauma-informed care to neurodivergent clients and people living with chronic conditions” and “advocate for a neurodiversity paradigm shift in medicine and society.”
Neurodiversity Movement
Actually Autistic Blog List: https://anautismobserver.wordpress.com/ – “Our goal is to assemble the most complete possible list of blogs written (in English) by (professionally or self-diagnosed) Actually Autistic people about our personal experiences with autism.”
Amythest Schaber: https://www.youtube.com/c/neurowonderful – Amythest is an autistic advocate known for a series on YouTube called “Ask An Autistic.” They also run a Tumblr blog called Neurowonderful and are active on Twitter as @neurowonderful.
Autienelle: https://laurenmelissaellzey.com/ – Lauren Melissa Ellzey is an educator, speaker, author, and autistic self-advocate who is active on social media as @autienelle.
Autisticoronapoliticalifragilisticexpialidocious Blog: https://autisticoronapoliticalifragi.com/ – “Just the thoughts and musings of a middle-aged, aspiring Buddhist, late-diagnosed autistic female genius. You will probably not agree with me, but at least I will make you THINK.”
Autistic Muslim Experience: https://the-art-of-autism.com/the-autistic-muslim-experience/ – Written by Said Shaiye (https://www.saidshaiye.com/).
Christine Miserandino: https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/ – Christine is known for developing “Spoon Theory,” which is the idea that disabled people often have limited energy (spoons) to use throughout the day compared to non-disabled people.
Devon Price: https://devonprice.medium.com/ – Devon is the author of Unmasking Autism and Laziness Does Not Exist and identifies as a “Trans effeminate alt academic.”
E.J.: https://www.tiktok.com/@likelysalty – E.J. shares educational content about their auDHD experience on social media as @likelysalty.
Eric Garcia: http://www.ericmgarcia.net/ – Eric is an Autistic Latino journalist based in Washington, DC who recently wrote the book We’re Not Broken.
Females with Autism: An Unofficial List By Samantha Craft: https://the-art-of-autism.com/females-and-aspergers-a-checklist/ – “This list is meant as a springboard for discussion and more awareness into the female experience with autism.”
Fidgets and Fries: https://www.facebook.com/fidgetsandfries – Tiffany is “disrupting supremacist systems one story at a time” and is active on social media as @fidgets.and.fries.
Haley Moss: www.haleymoss.com – Haley is an Autistic advocate, attorney, author, speaker and educator who is active online as @haley.moss.
Ira Eidle: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCepa_Y8VX4pYyPJ0YwR64A – Ira has a YouTube series called “History of the Neurodiversity Movement” and runs a website called Autistic Archive (https://sites.google.com/view/autistic-archive/about) that aims to preserve the autistic community and neurodiversity movement’s history. He is also active on twitter as @Eidle_Ira.
Jim Sinclair: https://philosophy.ucsc.edu/SinclairDontMournForUs.pdf – Jim Sinclair has been regarded as someone who has advanced the neurodiversity movement, including his piece “Don’t Mourn for Us” that he wrote in 1993.
Judy Singer: https://neurodiversity2.blogspot.com/ – Judy Singer is regarded as the person who coined the term “neurodiversity.”
Kassiane Asasumasu: https://twitter.com/uvgkassi – Kassiane is known for coining the term “neurodivergent” and currently works for the Foundations for Divergent Minds (see in Organizations below).
Lydia X. Z. Brown: https://autistichoya.net/ – Lydia is an autistic advocate, writer, attorney, and public speaker who is well known within the neurodiversity movement. Their website is linked here, but they are also active on social media.
Manuel Díaz: https://neurolatino.wordpress.com/ – Manuel is a physicist who has written and translated several pro-neurodiversity articles on his bilingual (Spanish & English) website.
Maria Davis-Pierre: https://www.autisminblack.org/ – Maria founded Autism In Black, which “aims to provide support to Black parents who have a autistic child, through educational and advocacy services” and is “dedicated to bringing awareness to Autism and reducing the stigma in the black community.”
Mel Baggs: https://www.youtube.com/user/silentmiaow – Mel was an autistic non-binary blogger who was involved in the early stages of the autism rights movement.
Mike Jung: https://captainstupendous.wordpress.com/ – Mike is the author of several children’s books and was a founding member of #WeNeedDiverseBooks.
Morénike Giwa Onaiwu: https://morenikego.com/ – Morénike “is an educator, writer, public speaker, parent, and global advocate. A proactive, resourceful professional and disabled woman of color in a multicultural, neurodiverse, serodifferent family, Morénike, who is American-born to immigrant parents, possesses undergraduate and graduate degrees in International Relations and Education. She is passionate about human rights, justice, and inclusion.”
Mr. Chazz: https://mrchazz.com/ – Mr. Chazz is “breaking generational cycles” through his action on social media, his podcast, and coaching services.
Nick Walker: https://neuroqueer.com/ – Neuroqueer is the blog of Nick Walker, who is “queer, transgender, flamingly autistic author and educator, best known for my book Neuroqueer Heresies and my foundational work on the neurodiversity paradigm and Neuroqueer Theory.”
Nigh Functioning Autism: https://www.instagram.com/nigh.functioning.autism/channel/?hl=en – Tiffany is a Black Autistic self-advocate who is active on social media as @nigh.functioning.autism.
Oswin Latimer: http://oglatimer.com/ and https://www.divergentminds.org/ – “Oswin is an Autistic, Choctaw, Trans, Queer activist and educator with a long history of working against supremacy in faer disability justice work.”
Phenomenonally Autistic: https://linktr.ee/Phenomenallyautistic – “Autistic artist/actor/advocate” who is active on social media as @phenomenallyautistic.
Sonny Jane Wise: https://livedexperienceeducator.com/ – Sonny is an “internationally recognised advocate, educator and author.”
Tyla Grant: https://tylagrant.com/ – Tyla is an autistic vlogger and the Founder of Black and Neurodivergent (BAND).
Yo Samdy Sam: https://www.youtube.com/c/YoSamdySam – Sam is a late diagnostic autistic advocate who creates content on YouTube.
Occupational Therapy
Haley S. Wens, MOT, OTR/L: www.pedptot.com – Shoreline, WA
Janna Roberts, OTR: https://pedts.com/paals-program – San Antonio, TX
Ryann Scheele, MS, OTR/L: Ryannscheele@gmail.com – “Offering Neuro-affirming and trauma informed OT services, consultation, Individualized Education Plan and Committee on Special Education advocacy in partnership with children and families in New York State.”
Academic Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education: https://aaspire.org/ – “Founded in 2006, AASPIRE conducts action research focused on improving the lives of autistic adults. We use a Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) approach where autistic and non-autistic scientists and community members work together in all phases of the research process.”
Autism In Black: https://www.autisminblack.org/ – Maria Davis-Pierre founded Autism In Black, which “aims to provide support to Black parents who have a autistic child, through educational and advocacy services” and is “dedicated to bringing awareness to Autism and reducing the stigma in the black community.”
Autism Mosque: https://www.autismmosque.org/ – “Autism Mosque was started by Sara Mangera, living in England and mother of four. Two of whom are autistic. She wanted Mosques to do more to welcome and accommodate autistic people and generally increase the awareness and acceptance of autistic people within the Muslim community. United Nations figures show that 15% of the population live with disabilities. Sara believed that as Muslims we needed to do more to be inclusive of our disabled brothers and sisters.”
Autism Network International (ANI): https://www.autismnetworkinternational.org/ – ANI was one of the first “autistic-run self-help and advocacy organization for autistic people.”
Autismo Diario: https://autismodiario.com/ – “Bienvenidos a la web de Autismo Diario, aquí encontrarán toda la información relativa a autismo, investigación, genética, integración sensorial, conducta, inteligencia, educación y una larga lista de información sobre el autismo.”
Autistic Self Advocacy Network (ASAN): https://autisticadvocacy.org/ – ASAN is a “nonprofit organization run by and for autistic people.”
Autistic Women and Non-Binary Network (AWN): https://awnnetwork.org/ – AWN’s mission “is to provide community, support, and resources for Autistic women, girls, transfeminine and transmasculine nonbinary people, trans people of all genders, Two Spirit people, and all others of marginalized genders.”
Color of Autism: https://thecolorofautism.org/ – “We are a Non-Profit 501(c)3 organization committed to educating and assisting African American families with Autistic children.”
Foundation for Divergent Minds (FDM): https://www.divergentminds.org/ – FDM is an autistic-run organization led by Oswin Latimer, Kassiane Asasumasu, Morénike Giwa Onaiwu, and Menelly Martin.
Jewish Autism Network: https://www.jewishautismnetwork.com/ – “We’re a Brooklyn-based couple on a mission to make our community a more comfortable place for Autistic individuals and their families. Together, we founded the Jewish Autism Network, a global shtetl where you can kvell and kvetch with people who get it!”
Milestones Autism Resources: https://www.milestones.org/ – An organization based in Cleveland, OH that offers a variety of services for autistic people. Milestones also holds a yearly conference where they invite autistic self-advocates to speak on a variety of topics within the autism community.
MUHSEN: https://muhsen.org/who-we-are/ – “MUHSEN acts as the leader in creating a better understanding of disabilities in Muslim communities and in helping build a future where those living with disabilities are not only accepted, but welcomed, valued, and empowered.”
Neurodivergent Therapist Directory: https://ndtherapists.com/ – Amelia Galier Slama created this directory in 2021 to “help connect neurodivergent clients with neurodivergent therapists.” The directory lists US and International therapists who identify as neurodivergent and offer affirming services.
Neuroclastic: https://neuroclastic.com/ – “We are a collective of Autistic people responsive to the evolving needs and trajectory of the Autistic community.”
NJ Autism Center of Excellence (NJACE): https://njace.us/ – NJACE offers professional training, research initiatives, and resources from a neurodiversity, inclusion, and strengths-based perspective.
PDA Society: https://www.pdasociety.org.uk/ – “PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) is widely understood to be a profile on the autism spectrum, involving the avoidance of everyday demands and the use of ‘social’ strategies as part of this avoidance.”
“No, autism is not a ‘gift’. For most, it is an endless fight against schools, workplaces, and bullies. But, under the right circumstances, given the right adjustments, it CAN be a superpower”
— Greta Thunberg, Environmental Activist