Connect with us.
Below is a listing of approved CAC providers in the Charlotte area. Our goal is to create a comprehensive list of providers who are on their own journey and working to provide neuro-affirming care. Our intent is make it easier for clients to gain accessible resources.
Questions to ask a potential provider.
Here are some helpful questions to ask when looking for a provider:
Are you using best practices for ND care? Is acceptance and celebration of neurodiversity the norm - rather than viewing autism as a deficit? Is this a professional who is willing to collaborate with others on your team? For evaluations, is the provider qualified and using culturally sensitive, standardized tools that are specific to your questions?
Do you identify as ND and/or neuro-affirming? What kind of training have you received? Is the person licensed? For how long? How much and how specific is their continued education training on autism?
How long have you been providing support to autistic individuals? Is this a seasoned professional with experience in supporting a variety of presentations?
Are you part of the CAC team or another neuro-affirming consult group? How open to learning and growing is this provider? (While many of our CAC providers are both neurodivergent and neuro-affirming, being neurodivergent is not required to be an effective provider.)
By clicking on the link above, you have read and understand the above disclaimer and agree that the use of this information does not constitute a referral or recommendation by CAC founders. I agree to waive any and all claims of liability of any type, against Charlotte Autism consortium and any of the members or affiliated providers of CAC furnishing the information in this listing.
“My philosophy is: It’s none of my business what people say of me and think of me. I am what I am, and I do what I do. I expect nothing and accept everything. And it makes life so much easier.”